OX App Suite offers professional, reliable email with many features at an affordable price....
Below is a list of all the OX MX records information. All have the same priority, we recommend...
Below are the SPF records you will need to set to have your email work with OX....
In 2022, we added support for email aliases to OX App Suite feature. Create an Email Alias...
Functionally, aliases are additional mail addresses for a single mailbox. OX App Suite will...
After you purchase OX App Suite or OX App Suite + Productivity, it appears in the Client Area...
Login to your email here: https://us.appsuite.cloud/appsuite/ Click the circle (either...
Login to your email here: https://us.appsuite.cloud/appsuite/ Click the circle (either...
To setup email on Outlook 2016: Click on the Start Menu (or press the Windows key) and then...
To setup email on Apple Mail: Launch Mail. If Mail is not in your dock, Command (⌘) +...
Email Inbound Servers Type Server Address Port Username Password IMAP...
Getting Started This tool lets you migrate email. Click here for more about the Migration...
You can include accounts from many other email service providers within seconds: Login to...
Check Custom Folders First login to the OX App Suite via...
As you report more spam, OX App Suite is better able to automatically mark similar messages as...
When an email is deleted it is moved to your trash folder. To find a deleted email: Login to...
To setup signatures for outgoing emails: Login to the OX App Suite via...
To set up an automatic reply to your emails: login to the OX App Suite via...
You can add subfolders to your email inbox to manage all your incoming emails: Login to the...
First, login to the OX App Suite via https://us.appsuite.cloud/appsuite/. Select the email...
First is to login to the OX App Suite via: https://us.appsuite.cloud/appsuite/ To search for...
ou can define an email address to send all incoming emails to automatically. First, login to...
OX App Suite allows you to automatically save new email addresses to the address book while...
To share a file or folder with internal or external contacts in Drive: First, log in to the OX...
First, login to the OX App Suite via https://us.appsuite.cloud/appsuite/ Click the dropdown tab...
Login to the OX App Suite via https://us.appsuite.cloud/appsuite/ When you receive an...
The Login URL https://us.appsuite.cloud/appsuite/ cannot be customized or branded. OX Mail and...
All OX Email and App Suite data is hosted in the Open-Xchange data center in the USA. It is not...
Version 8.20.0 brings a completely new look and feel to your mobile device, including faster...